Heart Meter Charlotte NC

Year 3 - 916 days

The year end recaps are really important to me. This is where I take some time to look at what I’ve accomplished in the year, and helps me to refocus my efforts for the future. It also is where I provide the most accountability to you all: including donation amounts down to the dollar. If you’re interested, check out 2015 and 2016. With that, let’s get to it.

Key takeaways:


This is always the big question with a nonprofit “How much of my donation goes to the mission, and how much goes to some CEO’s salary?”. I still work full time, so I don’t have to rely on Heart Meter for income. This allows me to run incredibly lean. My overhead in 2016 was $112 in stickers from Sticker Mule, and $95 in chargebacks due to credit card fraud (you can read more about that fiasco here).

I’m proud to say this year over 90% of donations were directly used to buy games & systems, and I think I can do even better. If you're curious, here's a link to an export of Heart Meter's bank statments for the year - all credits, debits, everything. Keep me honest.

New partnerships:

I've worked with some amazing people this year. Collaborations are always a great way for me to get others invovled and reach new audiences. Here is a list of some really amazing organizations in Charlotte that have supported Heart Meter this year:

New challenges:

This was a year of firsts for the organization. My first experience with fraud, my first batch of interns, my first booth at a huge convention, and my first community event to wrap up the year.

What’s next?

That’s always the question when I’m putting these summaries together. My question for 2017 is whether I want to go wider with more facilities, or deeper with more involvement in the facilities I have. Look for some announcements there soon.

Every year the support for Heart Meter and my mission grows and grows. Each year being more overwhelming and inspiring than the prior. Thank you all for believing in me. I couldn’t have done any of this without you.

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